The marketing world is abuzz with the depreciation of third–party cookies and what it will mean for both marketing teams and consumers alike. With the establishment of new data privacy laws and a heightened consumer awareness of privacy and marketing data practices, it is clear that marketing teams will need to evolve their tactics towards more transparent marketing strategies.
One of the key trends that has remained front and center through the shifts of the pandemic is the need to build consumer trust and loyalty. As the marketing landscape has evolved, it has become more and more apparent that the path towards achieving this is through self–regulated ethical and transparent marketing tactics. But what exactly does this mean for marketing teams and what do they need to do in order to achieve it?
Be Transparent
As we inch closer and closer to the obsoletion of the third-party cookie, the need for first-party data collection and analysis and enablement of transparent marketing strategies is paramount. Marketing teams can no longer rely on outsourcing their client data; rather they need to utilize strategies within their marketing efforts to both request customer information, ask and receive permission to utilize that data for marketing purposes and aggregate and store that information in a way that allows it to be utilized.
The fact is that consumers know and have known for some time that marketing teams are actively collecting and leveraging their data for marketing initiatives. That is not the problem. The issue consumers are voicing is their lack of consent and control over the who, what, and where of their personal data. Up until recently, there were no rules or transparency when it came to data collection and utilization which sparked the worldwide discussion of data privacy.
As consumers become more educated on data collection and usage in the marketing world, it is important to not only request their permission to collect their data, but also level set expectations about how that data will be utilized. Marketing teams who are looking to engage in transparent marketing are doing so by adapting policies of total transparency with their customers.
Ensure Compliance
As with the evolution of any life–altering technology, the call for adoption of regulations and laws to make utilization safer comes into play. Thus a demand for transparent marketing practices has resonated through the marketing landscape and the result is new and developing regulation and legislation aimed at protecting consumer privacy.
The task marketing teams are facing now is staying ahead of the curve in terms of adapting their marketing strategies to be fully compliant with these new and evolving regulations.
While this order is a large one, it is achievable. Taking steps to self regulate your adherence to compliance rules and regulations such as including data collection practices within your privacy policies, providing clients with tools to control their data sharing with your organization and providing consumers with clear opt-in/opt-out options are a great start.
Be Relatable
The barrage of digital communication between consumers and businesses has sky rocketed as a direct result of the pandemic. Marketing teams have been actively working to optimize their digital strategies to engage customers and ensure brand loyalty.
In addition to practicing transparent marketing, teams needed to also ensure their marketing is sympathetic and relatable to the average consumer. With statistics from a Forrester and Adobe survey showing consumers gravitated to experiences they found convenient (57 percent), informative (41 percent), and authentic (35 percent), it is no surprise that marketing teams across all industries are striving to make their strategies and messaging just that.
Request Feedback
One of the key elements of enabling a transparent marketing strategy is feedback. Teams that wish to succeed in creating an engaged and loyal customer base must implement a well–rounded strategy to request, receive and analyze customer feedback on a regular basis.
Enabling a strategy for your clients to provide you with regular feedback is the best way to regularly assess how marketing strategies are working, what can be done to improve your messaging and tactics, and increase transparency in your marketing. Allowing the consumer to guide optimization allows for better perception of your marketing, builds trust and ultimately creates a stronger connection between consumers and your brand.
In Conclusion
With all of the uncertainty surrounding the future of marketing, one thing remains certain; implementing transparent marketing strategies is imperative to ensuring marketing success.